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Gantry Cranes

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When it is required to lift a heavy object, Gantry Cranes are employed into use to do the needful. They work by lifting heavy loads with a hoist and can move horizontally over rails that are fitted under beams.

Gantry Cranes move along rails that are fixed on the ground. They are also the right material handling solution in cases where the existing factory structure cannot bear the wheel loads of an overhead crane. When the use of Overhead cranes is not possible, they are a safer and efficient option and making it less risky for operations. However, Wire Rope Electric Hoists, Chain Hoists or Chain Pulley Block does the lifting and moving duty on these Gantry Cranes.

JAYCO manufactures gantry cranes in Single Girder and double Girder configurations depending on the requirement. These cranes can be completely customized for SWL, span, lifting height, speeds, and class of duty depending on the application.

JAYCO Gantry Cranes are suitable for lifting heavyweight goods in workshops, Die Mould changing & handling also Loading Unloading from trucks & Vehicles. These Gantry Cranes move with help of wheels on the plain ground surface & can also be installed on rails.

Attributes :

  • Robust design
  • Ease of operation
  • Latest safety features
  • Modular design
  • Speed control with very fast possible drive

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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Crane, Cranes, Cranes Mfgrs. And Dealers, Eot Cranes, Eot Cranes Mfgrs. And Dealers, Hoists, Hoists Mfgrs. And Dealers